sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

Tweets de la gente sobre Harry Styles

-En esta sección vamos a postear los mejores tuits de la gente que mencionan a Harry Styles
Porque l@s que amamos a Harry nos sentimos identificados con los mismos tuits... 


@blissnixll: "how to dress like a homeless person with a outfit that doesn't match at all but still make it look good"
a book written by harry styles 

@voguestagram: no one can ever look like harry styles i mean harry styles doesn't even look like harry styles 

@Abbie_Rundle: I just squeezed into skinny jeans now I know how @Harry_Styles feels

@GeorgieOkello: I tried on some skinny jeans in Target and when I looked in the mirror I said:
Wow, I feel like Harry Styles

@collersbones: a harry styles sólo le quedan bien los hoyuelos porque es harry styles y bueno a él todo le queda bien

@LARRYCAKEWUT: [My name is harry styles and i think its ok to wear tight yellow shorts and not expect anybody to notice how hot i look]

@Narrycometome: Lol just cause it's a guy wearing skinny jeans (doesn't) means it's harry styles right?


@HeRingsMyBell: Harry Styles the one and only boy I know that looks hoy with a ponytail and headband

@deerstalkers: my goalis to have slender hips/legs like harry styles so i can dress just like him can you say FASHION ICON

@xoxoxo____xoxoxo: LOL
My mom just asked me why Harry always had on the same clothes
I said
"Because he is Harry Styles
and he can do whatever he wants"

@ChanggeYourLife: ¿Qué Harry Styles viste mal? Jajajajaja' no se qué parte de "Styles" no entendiste -.-

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